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+++   Independent affiliate of Cannerald. This website contains advertising content for the offers of Cannerald / CannerGrow. Please also read the income disclaimer.    +++   Independent affiliate of Cannerald. This website contains advertising content for the offers of Cannerald / CannerGrow. Please also read the income disclaimer.    +++   Independent affiliate of Cannerald. This website contains advertising content for the offers of Cannerald / CannerGrow. Please also read the income disclaimer.    +++   Independent affiliate of Cannerald. This website contains advertising content for the offers of Cannerald / CannerGrow. Please also read the income disclaimer.    +++   Independent affiliate of Cannerald. This website contains advertising content for the offers of Cannerald / CannerGrow. Please also read the income disclaimer.    +++   Independent affiliate of Cannerald. This website contains advertising content for the offers of Cannerald / CannerGrow. Please also read the income disclaimer.    +++   Independent affiliate of Cannerald. This website contains advertising content for the offers of Cannerald / CannerGrow. Please also read the income disclaimer.    +++   Independent affiliate of Cannerald. This website contains advertising content for the offers of Cannerald / CannerGrow. Please also read the income disclaimer.    +++   Independent affiliate of Cannerald. This website contains advertising content for the offers of Cannerald / CannerGrow. Please also read the income disclaimer.    +++   Independent affiliate of Cannerald. This website contains advertising content for the offers of Cannerald / CannerGrow. Please also read the income disclaimer.    +++   Independent affiliate of Cannerald. This website contains advertising content for the offers of Cannerald / CannerGrow. Please also read the income disclaimer.   

+++   Independent affiliate of Cannerald. This website contains advertising content for the offers of Cannerald / CannerGrow. Please also read the income disclaimer.    +++   Independent affiliate of Cannerald. This website contains advertising content for the offers of Cannerald / CannerGrow. Please also read the income disclaimer.    +++   Independent affiliate of Cannerald. This website contains advertising content for the offers of Cannerald / CannerGrow. Please also read the income disclaimer.    +++   Independent affiliate of Cannerald. This website contains advertising content for the offers of Cannerald / CannerGrow. Please also read the income disclaimer.    +++   Independent affiliate of Cannerald. This website contains advertising content for the offers of Cannerald / CannerGrow. Please also read the income disclaimer.    +++   Independent affiliate of Cannerald. This website contains advertising content for the offers of Cannerald / CannerGrow. Please also read the income disclaimer.    +++   Independent affiliate of Cannerald. This website contains advertising content for the offers of Cannerald / CannerGrow. Please also read the income disclaimer.    +++   Independent affiliate of Cannerald. This website contains advertising content for the offers of Cannerald / CannerGrow. Please also read the income disclaimer.    +++   Independent affiliate of Cannerald. This website contains advertising content for the offers of Cannerald / CannerGrow. Please also read the income disclaimer.    +++   Independent affiliate of Cannerald. This website contains advertising content for the offers of Cannerald / CannerGrow. Please also read the income disclaimer.    +++   Independent affiliate of Cannerald. This website contains advertising content for the offers of Cannerald / CannerGrow. Please also read the income disclaimer.   


Registration / verification

Entering the data of a legal representative as well as the name of the company and the VAT ID number.

Only one account is allowed per household.

The language can be selected under "Settings-Language".

The amount and type of possible deposits and withdrawals depends on the level of the verification.

Level 1 is already reached with the registration.

Level 2 is achieved by uploading and checking the following documents:

  • a valid identity document to verify identity.
  • proof of residence for address verification (not older than 3 months).
The files should already be on your computer / device before you start the verification!

In the back office under "Settings verification".

It is highly recommended to use Google two-factor authentication.
This can be set up in the back office under "Settings".

Deposit / Withdrawal

Deposits and withdrawals are possible via bank transfer in EUR or via BitCoin transfer.

Yes, an account in EUR under the item "Finance".

Bonus payments and winnings are booked there.

By clicking on the plus sign (+), deposits (e.g. down payments) can be made in EUR and BTC.
With a click on the minus sign (-) payments can be made in EUR and BTC.

The credit can also be used to purchase additional plant places / plants.

Verification level 1:

  • Deposit by bank transfer: unlimited
  • Deposit via BitCoin: unlimited
  • Payment by bank transfer: not possible
  • Withdrawal via BitCoin: 250 EUR within 24 hours.
Verification level 2:

  • Deposit by bank transfer: unlimited
  • Deposit via BitCoin: unlimited
  • Payment by bank transfer: EUR 10,000 within 24 hours (fee EUR 10)
  • Withdrawal via BitCoin: 2000 EUR within 24 hours.

Pitches / plants

Pitches / plants can be purchased in the back office under "Plant sales".

Payment is made from your own booking account (wallet), by bank transfer or by BitCoin transfer.
For every purchase, a proper invoice with proven value added tax is available for retrieval.
For bank transfers, a fee of 1% is charged in addition to the invoice amount (please note when making the transfer)!

The price per place / plant is 2320 EUR plus VAT and fee.

The fees do not apply to payments via BitCoin or payments from the account balance.

The additional costs are currently 35 EUR per grow. Additional costs are salaries, electricity (ventilation), rent, electricity (lamps), fertilizer, consumer goods, rock wool blocks and water.
After deducting the ancillary costs, the remaining crop yield is divided 50/50 between the plant owner and the company.

No. The plant place costs are one-off and apply for lifetime.
After each harvest you get a new plant cutting for free and a new cycle begins.

Under the heading "Your plants" each of your plants is listed with the following information:
Allocation number (label), location, name of the grow room, purchase date and crop yield.

The status and further information on the individual grow rooms can be called up under "Cultivation". In addition, a webcam sends a live image from the respective room every 10 seconds (here "Alpha" room).

The plants are harvested every 2-3 months. *) This depends on various factors such as the variety. Longer growth times, for example, ensure better harvest results. The plants are then dried for 2 weeks.
After this time, you will receive your harvest amount credited.

*) Outlook for 2022: By dividing the growth phase and the flowering phase into different grow rooms, the time between harvests will be significantly reduced. This means that 1-2 harvests can be additionally paid for per year.

The demand for plant places / plants is currently so great that CannerGrow is in a pre-sale phase. This means that the plant places that are currently being sold are still in the setup phase and will only be available later for the start of growing.

Information on the grow room currently on sale is provided on the "Dashboard".

Every partner who owns plants in one of the grow rooms (not pre-sale plants) can offer their plants for sale on the marketplace.
This means that the plants have a resale value and can be sold to other interested parties from the community.
The marketplace offers partners the opportunity to buy plants directly - without having to wait for the pre-sale phase.

The plants are harvested every 2-3 months. This depends on various factors such as the variety.
The harvest days are given by CannerGrow in the back office as realistic with 45 to 70 grams per plant and optimistic with up to 75 grams / plant.

Cannerald has applied for a GMP license for the entire facility. With this license, the company is authorized to sell directly to the government and pharmaceutical companies. The license is expected to be received in 2020.
Furthermore, the Swiss authorities are negotiating with Cannerald for a special permit to grow THC plants. With the intention of making Switzerland less dependent on THC imports.
The shops can also achieve higher profits for CBD flowers in the B2C area (Business to Customer), but it will not be possible to sell 100% harvest B2C.

  • 1.45-1.95 EUR / gram: B2B price
  • 1.45-2.35 EUR / gram: Mixed B2B and B2C price
  • 2.40-2.90 EUR / gram: GMP price for medical CBD
  • 2.60-3.60 EUR / gram: GMP target price for medical THC *
  • 3.00-5.00 EUR / gram: B2C price (symbolic)
  • 4.20 EUR / gram: When purchasing a product in the Cannerald shop and paying with your own harvest. **
*) Outlook for 2022: CannerGrow is planning to convert all grow rooms from CBD plants to THC plants. Clean rooms will be set up so that packaging for direct delivery to the pharmaceutical industry is possible. The requirement for this is the GMP license, which is expected to be granted in 2022.

**) As a plant owner, you can buy products directly from your crop yields. This enables a special price for shop products of up to over 50%! 1 g of CBD corresponds to 4.20 EUR in our shop.

Depending on which country you are in, we can deliver you every harvest. Countries currently available for delivery:

Switzerland: Cannabis with up to 1% THC is completely legal. All flowers grown by Cannerald / CannerGrow contain less than 1% THC.

EU countries: Cannabis with a THC content of up to 0.2% is legal. After you have requested delivery for your harvested CBD in the EU, Cannerald must first extract THC from your flowers so that the THC content complies with the legal requirements. Note: Approximately 25% of the harvest is lost during extraction.

You can also sell your CBD yourself and have it sent to another delivery address.


In the back office under "On-site visit" there is an appointment calendar where visit appointments can be booked online. CannerGrow gives you the exclusive opportunity to personally admire the state-of-the-art cannabis plant in Switzerland!

In the back office under the item "Dashboard" the latest blog posts are linked wherever the latest updates are posted. Here you will also find links to upcoming online live business presentations / webinars.

Furthermore, Telegram channels and Whats-App groups are available (please ask the referrer).

In the menu under "Contact" you can reach the support of CannerGrow. The support usually responds within 24 hours.

The company is insured against all possible contingencies (loss of earnings, theft, third party effects, vandalism, water damage and fire and fire damage). In the event of damage, the insurance is also liable for up to 2 years for lost crop yields.
This means that the partner's income is also secured for the period until the damage that has occurred is remedied.

Affiliate program

According to the affiliate plan / marketing plan, you will receive a staggered one-time bonus over 7 generations for the sales of plant places / plants. This bonus is irrespective of whether you bought a plant place yourself.

Another bonus (residual income) results from your participation in the harvest yield of the partners of your team. Here, however, the prerequisite is the purchase of at least one own plant place / plant.

CannerGrow partners are therefore involved in the entire value chain of the company - and this is unique!

According to the affiliate plan / marketing plan, you will receive a staggered one-time bonus over 7 generations for sales of plant places / plants in your team. This bonus is irrespective of whether you bought a plant place yourself.
In order to be involved in your partners' harvest profits, you need at least one own plant place / plant.

You will not receive a bonus on sales in your partner's shops, but you will receive a special price for your own purchases in the Cannerald shop. As a plant owner, you can buy products directly from your crop yields. This enables a special price for shop products of up to over 50%!

1 g of CBD corresponds to 4.20 EUR in our shop.

Fill your shopping cart and choose "CannerGrow Balance" as the payment method. If you are a regular consumer of CBD products, you can generate a "flat rate" by purchasing plants once.

Invitation link for the Cannerald shop
Every CannerGrow partner receives a personalized invitation link for the Cannerald shop. If a recommended shop customer now decides to also become a plant owner, he will automatically be assigned to his or her recommender as a direct CannerGrow partner. The referrer thus receives the bonus payments in accordance with the CannerGrow partner program.

There are 3 different links available for recommendations:

  • Personal registration page
  • Personal landing page with detailed information about CannerGrow (currently only in English)
  • Invitation link to your personalized Cannerald shop

You can find your invitation links under "Marketing" or under "Dashboard - Marketing Links - More Material".

Official online business presentations / webinars take place regularly, which are then announced in the "dashboard" of the back office.

The "Team" item in the back office provides you with an overview of your team members in the various levels.

You will receive the following information from each team partner: Username, team size, sold pitches / plants, own pitches / plants, your earnings from this partner.

You don't know your sponsor and need support:
Under the point "Team" of the back office you can contact your sponsor / referrer.

You can get in touch with your direct partners via email in the back office under "Team - Ebene1 - Actions".

Cannerald is ambitious to become the largest cannabis producer in Europe. In April 2020, additional hall capacities for several tens of thousands of plants were rented in Switzerland, which are now being set up.

Cannerald plans to expand across Europe. "We are just starting".